Friday, November 7, 2008

Geothermal Energy

What is geothermal energy and how is it formed?
Geothermal energy is heat from deep inside the Earth. The word "geothermal" comes from the Greek words, "geo" meaning "Earth" and "therme" meaning "heat". It is generated by the Earth's core.

How can we use geothermal energy?
We can use geothermal energy for electricity. Three forms of geothermal energy that are used for human purposes are:
1) natural steam
2) hot water
3) hot, dry rock

Who uses geothermal energy?
Humans use geothermal energy. So do animals. Geothermal energy is used by the public. Both animals and people.

What are hot springs and geysers?
Geyser comes from the word, "geysir," the Icelandic word meaning, "to burst out in violence".
Hot springs are pools of hot water rich with minerals and chemicals.

Where can geothermal energy be found?
Geothermal energy can be found in places with past or present volcanic activity. It occurs mostly in the west, particularly in a pacific area called the Ring of Fire.

Till today, geothermal energy continues to warm the hearts and hands of an appreciative public.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Through the Burrow

Through the burrow, round and round, my burrow, their burrow, our burrow. Through the burrow, round and round, no change as I go below and above the barren ground, until I recognize the soft pitter-patter of the everlasting rain.

This is a poem I wrote about change. You should be able to adapt to the pitter-patter of rain, that's the change. I hope this is one of the most important lessons in life.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Strings on a bass guitar and violin

there, do you, yes you, play the four stringed bass guitar or violin? Well, I play both. Here's some common knowledge. From lowest to highest, here are the strings on a bass guitar:
Here are the strings on the violin (lowest to highest):

My Diary and Me

Dear Diary,
WOO-HOO!!! The basketball season is finally over!!! We won the championships. Mom says Courtney's gonna have to do gymnastics for a whole year. She can't do a back-hand spring, much less a cartwheel or a somersault. My coach is really strict. She hates slackers. That's what Courtney's gonna be on the mats. Anyway, I can see all my friends at gymnastics. I don't worry about being behind, after all, gymnastics was out for like two months.
I'm done venting my happiness.
Muchos Gracias,
Asta la Vista

Reach for the stars


Saturday, March 8, 2008


Dear Diary,
I know it sounds weird, I really do. As usual, I'M stuck at this boring basketball game. It's NOT interesting, although it's the championships.. Back to
I plan to call everyone a "coolio" after the championships, except my sister.
She's a MEANIO. And a WIMPIO. And a STUCK-UPIO. AND OVERALL, SHE'S A WEIRDIO. Hey, isn't it a weirdo.


8 ways to go "Green"

1. Unplug unused appliances or large appliances.
2. By smaller portions of soap for laundry.
3. Instead of using plastic bags when going grocery shopping, use canvas bags.
4. Ride a bike or walk to nearby places instead of using your car.
5. Don't use throw-away cups or plates.
6. Buy the recycled brand of paper towel.
7. Use rags instead of paper towel to wipe up spills.
8. Recycle.