Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Dolphins are intelligent sea animals that are mammals. They breathe through the blowhole at the top their head. A dolphin's top speed is 25 miles per hour. They live in groups called schools, and they like to race alongside boats. There are more than 30 species of dolphins. Dolphins communicate by making clicking sounds. To find their prey, dolphins send out pulses. They then listen for reflected pulses to feel what is around them. This way, they are able to track down their prey.

Five Things We Learned About Dolphins
1. A dolphin's top speed is 25 mph (miles per hour)
2. Dolphins send out pulses to track down their prey
3. There are more than 30 species of dolphin
4. A dolphin breathes through a blowhole at the top of it's head
5. Dolphins are mammals

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