Monday, December 28, 2009

Any Ideas?

Okay, so I was really bored today, and I started thinking, well, what if my blog viewers have ideas and want some opinions on it? So, whenever you have an idea, comment on this post. I will be checking it frequently. So, if you have any ideas at all, comment!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

Hi Everyone!!!
Well, just wanted to say...
Here's a poem...

Christmastime is finally here
Hanukkah has passed, we all had cheer
Kwanzaa's a comin', oh my, can't wait
Then New Year arrives, neither early nor late

These holiday times are joyfully cherished
When a new year comes 'round, they'll really be missed.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Hey everyone! I'm watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- <3 the movie- right now! I'm on the part where Charlie goes to Willy Wonka's Factory. Oooh... I crave that candy! Anyway, you should check out the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Also, don't forget the movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


Here's a poem to enjoy:

Turkeys In The Barnyard

Turkeys in the barnyard, what do they say?
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble all day.
Turkey on the table, what do I say?
Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy all day.
Turkey in my tummy, what do I say?
I ate too much on Thanksgiving day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving

I'm thankful for my family
My friends
My life.
I'm thankful for the place I hold on earth as my own.
The air I breathe,
The water I drink
The blood that courses through my veins.
I'm thankful for the books I read
The pencils which I write with.
I'm thankful that Thanksgiving is here.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


I smile a mile.
A mile of smile.
It'll encourage.
It motivates.
It ain't average.
Never enervates.
I smile a mile.
One, big ear-to-ear
Mile of smile


Monday, November 9, 2009

Forever in Time

Moments lost,
Never forgotten.
Moments gained,
Never remembered.
Lost moments
Never return to one's possession.
Gained moments
Are added to one's life.
Slowly ticking,
Assets as well as liabilities
Forever in time.

Written by,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Diary and Me

Dear Diary,
Courtney is as snotty and as stuck up as ever. Especially since we went back to school. I'm well known around that place, and Courtney is too, but she always wants to compete with me. For example, I get an A and she gets an A+. I give an apple to my Literature teacher, and Courtney gives her two apples. Ugh! So annoying, right? Yeah, I know. Anyway, to the good news. You know about Dalry's Dairy, right? Yeah, well, the manager figured out it was some sort of screw up, and now I'm assistant manager, and Court's milking cows! In her face! And you know gymnastics, right? Coach made her practice with the preschoolers 'cause she can barely do a somersault. In her face again! Also, we had a family barbecue over the weekend, and I got the last steak! Ha to her! 'Kay, I think I hear Courtney coming up the stairs! Sorry, I got to go!

See you soon,

Sarah Wallace


Hey, all you cat lovers! Would you like a book that has action, fun, romance, comedy, conflict, and cats all in one? Well, then, you should read warriors. Warriors, by Erin Hunter, gives you a dish on how cats survive in the wild, and how they see us humans, and the world that surrounds them. If you want to learn more about Warriors, go to
There are series inside a series!
1st Series: Warriors
2nd Series: The New Prophecy
3rd Series: Power of Three
4th Series: Omen of the Stars

Hey, ever wanted to know what happens between the lines? If so, read Warriors Manga, the Warriors Super Editions, and the Warriors Guides.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Diary and Me

Dear Diary,
Gosh! Courtney is so annoying!!! She and I applied for this summer job, right? We both got it, but in some sort of mess, Courtney is assistant manager, and I'm working with cows. See, I was supposed to be the assistant manager of Dalry's Dairy, this huge milk business in Seattle. But, Courtney messed up the papers somehow and now she has my job, and I'm stuck with milking cows. Okay, that's it for today, diary, bye!!!

Yours truly,

Sarah Wallace

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Poetry Review of the Week of June 7th, 2009

Pet Shopping

While shopping at the pet store
I got my fondest wish.
I bought myself a fish bowl
and then a pair of fish.

And since I was already
out shopping at the store
I thought I ought to purchase
another smidgen more.

And so I got a rabbit,
a hamster and a frog,
a gerbil and a turtle,
a parrot and a dog.

I purchased an iguana,
a tortoise and a rat,
an eight-foot anaconda,
a monkey and a cat.

A guinea pig, a gecko,
a ferret and a mouse,
and had them all delivered,
directly to my house.

My sister went berzerko!
She's now installing locks,
because I said her bedroom
would be their litter box!

--Kenn Nesbitt

This week's review on children's poetry is called Pet Shopping, by Kenn Nesbitt. It is a hilarious poem that makes a lot of kids giggle.


Funny: 9/10- very funny, depends on age group
Content: 10/10- good content
Sense: 10/10- makes good sense

"Loved this poem!!!"


Sunday, May 31, 2009


Poetry has happiness,
Poetry has sorrow,
Poetry is music to my ears.
Poetry is tears down my face.
Poetry is our souls,
And has many tales to tell.



Joy brings us together,
Joy wills us to cherish what we have.
Joy helps us love one another.
Joy keeps us going, like fuel in a car.
Joy drives us to reach our goals.
Joy is priceless.



Hey guys. Just to let you know, I'm going to be adding my poetry, and other poetry reviews on this blog.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gotta Go Green

Hi, I'm Pooja and I'm here to help you realize the importance of saving our planet. Earth is the only place we can live, and if the world ends soon, it'll be because of global warming. Just remember the three R's to keep our planet healthy:

-Reuse= Keep using things over till they need to be replaced, for example, keep using plastic bags from the grocery store, because it takes a lot of oil just to make one of those bags.

-Reduce= Reduce the amount of trash you throw out. Instead, recycle. An example is, use a towel to wipe your hands after washing them, instead of billions of paper towels.

-Recycle= Here it is, the last R. Every one of you will know what recycling is. Recycle plastic, paper, cardboard, etc. Recycle apple cores and veggie/fruit peels by putting them on soil by plants. It makes good fertilizer.

Well, got to go. I'm going to help save the Earth. Remember, it's the little things that make a big difference. See you all later!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Diary and Me

It's me, Sarah!!!
So here's the latest news:

We were at gymnastics and Courtney couldn't even do a somersault!! My coach hates her. I'm so happy. So Courtney was like,"I hate gymnastics so much, I would so like to leave." My coach was like,"Stop bein' a darned slacker. I hate slackers like you. Just follow your sis and you might be allrigh'." My coach is from Texas and talks with a Southern Accent. "Get on the darned mats girls. This is gonna be one long session. I'm talkin' abou' you-know-who," She glanced at Courtney, who was trying to arrange the mats and rolled her eyes." Courtney. Don't touch the mats. I had them all organized. Girls, not includin' Court, set it up again. Please." She rubbed her temples, as if trying to wave off a migrain. "Change of plans," she suddenly said, "Girls, not includin' Court, go work on the beams and floor." As I passed her, I heard her mutter,"At least y'all are past kindergarten." My face broke out into the large grin. "Coach, maybe I should intruct Courtney, you've obviously had a long day." I said. She smiled,"Thanks Sarah, you've always got my back." She walked into her office. "Okay, Court." Courtney scowled. "Watch carefully and do exactly what I do." I went into a complex stucture of flips, cartwheels, back hand springs and handstands, clearly giving her the message that she would so have to keep up. By the time I was done, it was the end of class and I was exhausted. She smiled,"Great work sis. We'll do more tomorrow." I grimaced. If she wanted to play hard, I would have to crush her.

-Sarah Wallace