Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gotta Go Green

Hi, I'm Pooja and I'm here to help you realize the importance of saving our planet. Earth is the only place we can live, and if the world ends soon, it'll be because of global warming. Just remember the three R's to keep our planet healthy:

-Reuse= Keep using things over till they need to be replaced, for example, keep using plastic bags from the grocery store, because it takes a lot of oil just to make one of those bags.

-Reduce= Reduce the amount of trash you throw out. Instead, recycle. An example is, use a towel to wipe your hands after washing them, instead of billions of paper towels.

-Recycle= Here it is, the last R. Every one of you will know what recycling is. Recycle plastic, paper, cardboard, etc. Recycle apple cores and veggie/fruit peels by putting them on soil by plants. It makes good fertilizer.

Well, got to go. I'm going to help save the Earth. Remember, it's the little things that make a big difference. See you all later!!!

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