Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Sisters Reunite

Annabella looked around. The nest on Tall Rocks came with a really pleasant view. She made a mental note to retrieve this nest from Reina, after Amanda was dead. Reina had agreed with her that Amanda was becoming too powerful. But Reina didn't know what else Annabella had in store.
Ever since Tao had recruited her, Annabella had felt empowered, almost omniscient. She had felt that all the answers lay in nature, and science. Luckily, she hadn't been thrown out like him and Rowena, Tao's assistant.
After the sisters were done discussing Amanda, they devised a plan. One that would be so unexpected that even Tao would be proud.
Amanda was falling now.
Up in the air, Reina smiled darkly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Golden Eagle: The Hatched Chick

Reina's feathers were ruffled and rumpled. She mentally sighed. When was this torture going to end? Between feeding the Ebony Chick and remaking her nest every time he destroyed, Reina didn't have much time to take care of her mandatory needs. She barely got the chance to feed herself, get a drink of water, and stretch her wings. She could never sleep, for the chick's constant squeaking kept her up. The only time that the chick was still was as he was eating. He seemed to concentrate on the food that was set in front of him. Reina was so frustrated. She should have left Tall Rocks while she still had the chance. Too bad that the chance was long gone. She knew that if she left, the Ebony Chick would follow her, never giving her peace and quiet.
Reina realized that something was truly amiss. Some bird had planned this, depriving her of food and sleep, of water and flying. Someone had to be behind this psyched-out conspiracy.
Only one bird came to her mind, a bird that over the years had proven themself to be cunning and crazy. A bird that had been jealous of Reina ever since she had claimed the nest at Tall Rocks.
Well, I will show her, thought Reina, a touch of darkness contaminating her thoughts...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


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Monday, April 5, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Geneya of Neomar

Estella was so juvenile. Didn't she see how Annabella was using her? Geneya admitted that she herself followed Annabella and served her, but only because she needed to learn about this tribe. Geneya poked at the feathers on the cold floor of the cave, and sighed. She felt that the ploy of the Night Egg was unfair to Reina, for what had she ever done? Reina didn't deserve the misery that that creature was going to drag to her. She deserved a real egg, that hatched a chick that didn't destroy one's soul. Geneya became engulfed in her thoughts, calculating when and where the egg would hatch. She had always been a genius; she was probably smarter than Annabella. The only thing Geneya lack was motive, and Annabella had a brimful of motive. Geneya and Annabella seemed like complete opposites, destined to be enemies, but why couldn't Geneya bring herself to leave this black hole of a cave. Why did she feel that if she stayed, she would be safe? Why did she suspect that something life-changing was going to happen? If only she knew the answers to the secrets of nature...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Estella of Neomar

Estella scrutinized the rocky cliffs. Being a peregrine falcon was tough work. She had to deal with all the birds in every territory, because they were insecure and afraid. She hadn't had a friend in years, and now, Annabella was there for her. Annabella had told her to scout out Tall Rocks. Annabella had told her to plant one of her Night Eggs there, and Estella had done it. Estella had never felt so important, and with Annabella, she now felt more sure, more aware of the world around her. She also knew the cold truth about every member of the Tribe, and how they had failed to treasure her great skill and cunning. She knew that Ortho was a weak fool, and she knew that Amanda had been stubborn. She knew that Reina was haughty and easily offended, and she knew and realized that Annabella was truthful, modest, and always humble about whatever she was given. Estella admired that. However, part of her knew that something was really wrong, truly amiss. But she wanted to be just like Annabella. Exactly like her. Or did she?

The Golden Eagle: Ortho's Dream

Ortho flapped his wings. If only he could be chief. But Amanda was in control, and Ortho respected that. He was second in command, because Amanda had point-blank refused to have Annabella as deputy. Annabella was too cunning, and Amanda had recognized the cold truth of Annabella's thirst of power. Annabella was evil, but only Ortho seemed to realize that. All the others admired her courage and intelligence, but Ortho didn't. He could see the aura that emanated from her. Her soul used to be a vibrant green, but as the years passed, she was shadowed by Reina and Amanda, and taught unimaginably horrific things by Tao, the teacher who had been turned outcast. Annabella was Tao's last pupil alive; the others had been turned out. But Annabella was treasured. Her superior cleverness had helped the Tribe and the Elders believed that she was a gift from the heavens, created to drive out the evils. However, they couldn't sense the darkness that slowly crept into her soul and corrupted her mind. They couldn't see the cold aura that radiated off of her, and they couldn't hear the iciness in her voice. They didn't notice how only her cries pierced through the darkness and hung there, the unfathomable murkiness in her words. Oh, if Ortho were chief, he would have banished her a long time ago. Annabella. The name made him shiver. Suddenly, a scream pierced the sky. Ortho rushed out of the cave to investigate. He saw Amanda, falling, falling, until she was gone. He looked up to see a retreating figure. The beat of the wings drenched him in cold reality. Annabella. Annabella!