Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Ortho's Dream

Ortho flapped his wings. If only he could be chief. But Amanda was in control, and Ortho respected that. He was second in command, because Amanda had point-blank refused to have Annabella as deputy. Annabella was too cunning, and Amanda had recognized the cold truth of Annabella's thirst of power. Annabella was evil, but only Ortho seemed to realize that. All the others admired her courage and intelligence, but Ortho didn't. He could see the aura that emanated from her. Her soul used to be a vibrant green, but as the years passed, she was shadowed by Reina and Amanda, and taught unimaginably horrific things by Tao, the teacher who had been turned outcast. Annabella was Tao's last pupil alive; the others had been turned out. But Annabella was treasured. Her superior cleverness had helped the Tribe and the Elders believed that she was a gift from the heavens, created to drive out the evils. However, they couldn't sense the darkness that slowly crept into her soul and corrupted her mind. They couldn't see the cold aura that radiated off of her, and they couldn't hear the iciness in her voice. They didn't notice how only her cries pierced through the darkness and hung there, the unfathomable murkiness in her words. Oh, if Ortho were chief, he would have banished her a long time ago. Annabella. The name made him shiver. Suddenly, a scream pierced the sky. Ortho rushed out of the cave to investigate. He saw Amanda, falling, falling, until she was gone. He looked up to see a retreating figure. The beat of the wings drenched him in cold reality. Annabella. Annabella!

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