Friday, February 26, 2010

The Golden Eagle: The Ebony Egg

Reina spread her magnificent wings in preparation for landing. Returning to her heavenly abode that rested on the craggy peaks of the Tall Rocks was relaxing. Even leaving her nest for a few seconds caused her to panic. Once she had returned, though, the anxiety seemed to vanish.
She looked down, making sure every feather and twig was in its proper place. Finding no disturbances, she let out a harsh, shrill cry, warning no one and nothing to come within wings distance of her.
She re-examined her home. Something did seem different. A flash of ebony caught her eye. Reina fixed her curious gaze on the small object that dared to intrude. Why, it was an egg! Reina knew that she should rid herself of this object. Who knew what it would grow into? Why, it might grow bigger than Reina herself!
Reina would not have allowed it on normal circumstances; she was at the top of the food chain in this environment, and would not yield to competition of any kind, but sheer curiousity kept her sensibility at bay.
The egg's destiny seemed to make Reina so curious that she didn't notice that the black shell was cracking. Not until she heard a soft, high peep, did she bother to pause her train of thought. She turned her head. A small black chick, with red stripes on its frail wings, and golden swirl above its eyes peered back at her from the sanctuary of its broken shell.
Reina realized that this chick would either die or have to be cared for. Reina slowly stepped forward, choosing to care for this strange little bird. Somehow, affection for this bird overpowered her logic.
Yet she did not know that by accepting this chick, her destiny would take a sharp turn, and become more entertwined with the intricate waves of nature.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Diary and Me: Almost Over

Okay, so I'm beginning to grow out of you. Well, that, and the fact that Courtney, my Thing of a sister, is literally blackmailing me. Well, not exactly blackmailing. Anyway, here's what happened:

I was walking down the hallway at school, and a little stroke of reality came to my head. The reality was that I couldn't keep writing in you anymore. Then, I thought about Millicent, this weird girl who has a Diary, but doesn't care about anyone, 'cause she doesn't have any friends at all. All my friends, including my best friend, Brooke, laughs/ makes fun of Millicent.

I know what you're thinking- you shouldn't hang out with people who won't accept you for who you are. Well, in this case, you are so wrong. I love the friends that I have and I won't change them now, not in eighth grade. Okay, so... um.... see you later?

Your acquaintance,
Sarah D. Wallace

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Diary and Me: Secrets

Dear Diary,
Okay, so I am pretty sure that this is one of my last entries, 'cause now Courtney, my uber- annoying sister, knows all about you. Here's how it all started:

I was writing in you once, and my door was closed. (Talking about my bedroom.) Then Courtney, I have no idea if she did it deliberately, came in and smashed my favorite vase. That vase was really special to me- I got it when I was a baby (I know, odd gift, right?)- and my Grandma Josephine gave it to me. Anyway, I get all worked up- you know me, always tend to make a big deal out of everything- and get off my bed, leave you exposed, out in the open, and go to scold Courtney, but then she finds you and voila! she starts to (sort of) blackmail me.

She says that if I tell mom and dad that she broke the vase (that vase was special to them too), that she's gonna tell everybody that I have a diary (YOU). Okay, so I'm sad right now, and I am gonna go back to brooding over this horrible incident. So, I hope I get to write in you again, Diary.

Your supercalifragilisticexpialadocious BFFLAD (Best Friends For Life and Death),

SArah Diane wallace
SAD :(

My Diary and Me: Happily Ever After?


Over the years, I have realized that you have always been there for me. Let us travel the path of time, and reminisce.
One moment from each year of our friendship:

Six: Spilled ice cream on Billy McDonald's new concert dress shirt. Chocolate.

Seven: First gymnastics competition. Took first.

Eight: Realized that Courtney was extremely annoying.

Nine: Started playing basketball.

Ten: Graduated from elementary school. First diploma.

Eleven: Visited Cape Cod.

Twelve: Stopped playing basketball.

Thirteen: Reminiscing about good times with you.

Well, I guess that's it then. Thanks for being there.


Sarah Wallace

P.S. Don't forget to check out the new series, The Golden Eagle, on!