Thursday, October 21, 2010

Environmental Information

If you want to find out about helping the environme, go to the website The Environmentalist @
Here's the link:

Monday, October 11, 2010


I've had trouble finding a picture for a science has to be a picture of either competition, predation, or my you have any ideas of everyday sightings of one of these three interactions between organisms.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Pear Tree

Today we cut down the pear tree in our front yard. As it slowly fell, I wondered:

-How many homes for animals did we destroy?
-How many sources of food did we annihilate?
-How many plants did we kill?
-How many organisms will suffer?
-How many organisms were in that tree when it fell?

Just thoughts.
Remember, though: One small act can change the way the world works, and not for the better.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fifa World Cup 2010: South Africa

The Fifa World Cup took place in South Africa this year. Many teams from various different countries competed in this ultimate soccer tournament. Spain and Netherlands were in the finals. The prestigious country of Espana took home the title of Champions in the World Cup.

Here is the anthem of the Fifa World Cup this year:

Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) by Shakira

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Last Airbender Movie Review

Hey there, readers!!!
So, here's my review of The Last Airbender, the new movie produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

The four nations- Air, Water, Earth, and Fire- used to live in harmony. That all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, had the power to stop them. But when the world needed him the most, he vanished. One-hundred years later, Katara and Sokka, siblings from the Southern Water Tribe, discovered the new Avatar, an Airbender named Aang. And although Aang's Airbending is great, he still has a lot to learn before he can save anyone. In this cartoon-based movie, Aang must travel to the Northern Water Tribe and learn how to master Waterbending.

First of all, I have to say, DO NOT WATCH THE SHOW BEFORE YOU WATCH THE MOVIE!!! I should know, because I am an Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon fanatic, and the movie did not live up to the show. Second, none of the characters in the movie look anything like the anime from the show (except for Aang, and the Northern Water Tribe Princess Yue). Also, the names of people were mispronounced, from the show to the movie. (On the show, Sokka's name is pronounced Sah-kka and in the movie it is pronounced SO-kka. Plus, the name of Zuko's uncle, Iroh is pronounced I-roh on the show, but Ee-roh in the movie. And, Aang's name is pronounced An-g on the show and Ahn-g in the movie. These mispronunciations really annoyed me.) Next, the most prominent feature about the banished Fire Prince Zuko is his scar. On Dev Patel, the person who played Zuko in the movie, you could barely see the scar. And, they skipped over important parts in the show, leaving the movie all over the place, and very holey.

Basically, the movie was not really worth it. Personally, I would just stick with the show.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer is Upon Us!!!

Hello bloggers!!!
The summer solstice is coming soon, and I personally cannot wait!!! Summer is here and popsicles are in!!! I love summer!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Ortho's Musings

Ortho had just been crowned as Chief of the Tribe of Golden Eagles. He was ecstatic, and couldn't wait to bring new offerings to change the Tribe for the better. Ortho thought that, although Amanda had great ideas, she did not fully prune and polish the tribe. She had neglected to make Annabella and outcast, solely because they were sisters, but Ortho intended to change that. He honored Amanda's courage, of course, but he couldn't yield to the old beliefs that existed in this tribe. Tao had already littered his teachings among the pristine logic of the other Golden Eagles. Now Annabella polluted it even more. No longer. Ortho was going to change the foundations of this great creation of nature- The Tribe of Golden Eagles.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Sisters Reunite

Annabella looked around. The nest on Tall Rocks came with a really pleasant view. She made a mental note to retrieve this nest from Reina, after Amanda was dead. Reina had agreed with her that Amanda was becoming too powerful. But Reina didn't know what else Annabella had in store.
Ever since Tao had recruited her, Annabella had felt empowered, almost omniscient. She had felt that all the answers lay in nature, and science. Luckily, she hadn't been thrown out like him and Rowena, Tao's assistant.
After the sisters were done discussing Amanda, they devised a plan. One that would be so unexpected that even Tao would be proud.
Amanda was falling now.
Up in the air, Reina smiled darkly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Golden Eagle: The Hatched Chick

Reina's feathers were ruffled and rumpled. She mentally sighed. When was this torture going to end? Between feeding the Ebony Chick and remaking her nest every time he destroyed, Reina didn't have much time to take care of her mandatory needs. She barely got the chance to feed herself, get a drink of water, and stretch her wings. She could never sleep, for the chick's constant squeaking kept her up. The only time that the chick was still was as he was eating. He seemed to concentrate on the food that was set in front of him. Reina was so frustrated. She should have left Tall Rocks while she still had the chance. Too bad that the chance was long gone. She knew that if she left, the Ebony Chick would follow her, never giving her peace and quiet.
Reina realized that something was truly amiss. Some bird had planned this, depriving her of food and sleep, of water and flying. Someone had to be behind this psyched-out conspiracy.
Only one bird came to her mind, a bird that over the years had proven themself to be cunning and crazy. A bird that had been jealous of Reina ever since she had claimed the nest at Tall Rocks.
Well, I will show her, thought Reina, a touch of darkness contaminating her thoughts...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hey guys check out my new blog and check out!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Geneya of Neomar

Estella was so juvenile. Didn't she see how Annabella was using her? Geneya admitted that she herself followed Annabella and served her, but only because she needed to learn about this tribe. Geneya poked at the feathers on the cold floor of the cave, and sighed. She felt that the ploy of the Night Egg was unfair to Reina, for what had she ever done? Reina didn't deserve the misery that that creature was going to drag to her. She deserved a real egg, that hatched a chick that didn't destroy one's soul. Geneya became engulfed in her thoughts, calculating when and where the egg would hatch. She had always been a genius; she was probably smarter than Annabella. The only thing Geneya lack was motive, and Annabella had a brimful of motive. Geneya and Annabella seemed like complete opposites, destined to be enemies, but why couldn't Geneya bring herself to leave this black hole of a cave. Why did she feel that if she stayed, she would be safe? Why did she suspect that something life-changing was going to happen? If only she knew the answers to the secrets of nature...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Estella of Neomar

Estella scrutinized the rocky cliffs. Being a peregrine falcon was tough work. She had to deal with all the birds in every territory, because they were insecure and afraid. She hadn't had a friend in years, and now, Annabella was there for her. Annabella had told her to scout out Tall Rocks. Annabella had told her to plant one of her Night Eggs there, and Estella had done it. Estella had never felt so important, and with Annabella, she now felt more sure, more aware of the world around her. She also knew the cold truth about every member of the Tribe, and how they had failed to treasure her great skill and cunning. She knew that Ortho was a weak fool, and she knew that Amanda had been stubborn. She knew that Reina was haughty and easily offended, and she knew and realized that Annabella was truthful, modest, and always humble about whatever she was given. Estella admired that. However, part of her knew that something was really wrong, truly amiss. But she wanted to be just like Annabella. Exactly like her. Or did she?

The Golden Eagle: Ortho's Dream

Ortho flapped his wings. If only he could be chief. But Amanda was in control, and Ortho respected that. He was second in command, because Amanda had point-blank refused to have Annabella as deputy. Annabella was too cunning, and Amanda had recognized the cold truth of Annabella's thirst of power. Annabella was evil, but only Ortho seemed to realize that. All the others admired her courage and intelligence, but Ortho didn't. He could see the aura that emanated from her. Her soul used to be a vibrant green, but as the years passed, she was shadowed by Reina and Amanda, and taught unimaginably horrific things by Tao, the teacher who had been turned outcast. Annabella was Tao's last pupil alive; the others had been turned out. But Annabella was treasured. Her superior cleverness had helped the Tribe and the Elders believed that she was a gift from the heavens, created to drive out the evils. However, they couldn't sense the darkness that slowly crept into her soul and corrupted her mind. They couldn't see the cold aura that radiated off of her, and they couldn't hear the iciness in her voice. They didn't notice how only her cries pierced through the darkness and hung there, the unfathomable murkiness in her words. Oh, if Ortho were chief, he would have banished her a long time ago. Annabella. The name made him shiver. Suddenly, a scream pierced the sky. Ortho rushed out of the cave to investigate. He saw Amanda, falling, falling, until she was gone. He looked up to see a retreating figure. The beat of the wings drenched him in cold reality. Annabella. Annabella!

Friday, March 26, 2010


I Love Jazz!!!! I Love Jazz Band!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Golden Eagle: The Downfall of Amanda

Amanda grimaced. Annabella didn't need to be so depressed and depressing. Her aura was one of prolonged sadness. Just because Reina got the nest on Tall Rocks and Amanda got the position of Chief, it didn't mean that Annabella needed to sulk. Annabella still had the most intelligent mind in the Tribe, what was so bad about that? All the eagles came to Annabella for advice, and the Council came to her for battle plans. Couldn't Annabella just accept her life?
Amanda quietly stepped out of her cave and spread her wings. A quick flight and the clean smell of fresh air would be sure to clear her thoughts and erase her worries.
As Amanda took off, she wondered whether Annabella or Reina would be out here. It was a beautiful night- the moon shone brightly and the stars were twinkling.
Suddenly, a familiar shape streaked towards Amanda. In a tangle of feathers, Amanda's shoulder got scraped and her wings were torn. Silently screaming curses at the one she knew so well, Amanda plunged into the darkness.
Meanwhile, from up in the air, the sister smiled darkly.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Remember the good times,
Remember the sad.
Remember the joy,
Remember the tears.
Remember the love,
Remember the heartbreak.
Remember the ecstacy,
Remember the panic.
Remember this world,
Its twisting feelings.
Whatever you do,
Just remember.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Golden Eagle: Annabella's Revenge

Annabella fixed her cold stare on the fast-flowing, unyielding river. The Tribe would pay for making an outcast out of her. Annabella planned her vengeance clearly and quickly- the plan was so simple it was complex. If only the Tribe had recognized this skill, they would have prospered. Now, however, they didn't have a surplus of prey, nor did they have a good leader. Ortho was a fool, an unskilled bird, not worthy enough to be part of the Tribe. Plus, Annabella's ancestors had created the Tribe in the first place! But enough complaining, Annabella thought coldly. Life is too short to complain. Amanda learned that. Amanda's downfall was the most joyous memory Annabella held. Life really was too short, and Annabella was about to prove that to each and every bird of the Tribe.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Golden Eagle: The Ebony Egg

Reina spread her magnificent wings in preparation for landing. Returning to her heavenly abode that rested on the craggy peaks of the Tall Rocks was relaxing. Even leaving her nest for a few seconds caused her to panic. Once she had returned, though, the anxiety seemed to vanish.
She looked down, making sure every feather and twig was in its proper place. Finding no disturbances, she let out a harsh, shrill cry, warning no one and nothing to come within wings distance of her.
She re-examined her home. Something did seem different. A flash of ebony caught her eye. Reina fixed her curious gaze on the small object that dared to intrude. Why, it was an egg! Reina knew that she should rid herself of this object. Who knew what it would grow into? Why, it might grow bigger than Reina herself!
Reina would not have allowed it on normal circumstances; she was at the top of the food chain in this environment, and would not yield to competition of any kind, but sheer curiousity kept her sensibility at bay.
The egg's destiny seemed to make Reina so curious that she didn't notice that the black shell was cracking. Not until she heard a soft, high peep, did she bother to pause her train of thought. She turned her head. A small black chick, with red stripes on its frail wings, and golden swirl above its eyes peered back at her from the sanctuary of its broken shell.
Reina realized that this chick would either die or have to be cared for. Reina slowly stepped forward, choosing to care for this strange little bird. Somehow, affection for this bird overpowered her logic.
Yet she did not know that by accepting this chick, her destiny would take a sharp turn, and become more entertwined with the intricate waves of nature.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Diary and Me: Almost Over

Okay, so I'm beginning to grow out of you. Well, that, and the fact that Courtney, my Thing of a sister, is literally blackmailing me. Well, not exactly blackmailing. Anyway, here's what happened:

I was walking down the hallway at school, and a little stroke of reality came to my head. The reality was that I couldn't keep writing in you anymore. Then, I thought about Millicent, this weird girl who has a Diary, but doesn't care about anyone, 'cause she doesn't have any friends at all. All my friends, including my best friend, Brooke, laughs/ makes fun of Millicent.

I know what you're thinking- you shouldn't hang out with people who won't accept you for who you are. Well, in this case, you are so wrong. I love the friends that I have and I won't change them now, not in eighth grade. Okay, so... um.... see you later?

Your acquaintance,
Sarah D. Wallace

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Diary and Me: Secrets

Dear Diary,
Okay, so I am pretty sure that this is one of my last entries, 'cause now Courtney, my uber- annoying sister, knows all about you. Here's how it all started:

I was writing in you once, and my door was closed. (Talking about my bedroom.) Then Courtney, I have no idea if she did it deliberately, came in and smashed my favorite vase. That vase was really special to me- I got it when I was a baby (I know, odd gift, right?)- and my Grandma Josephine gave it to me. Anyway, I get all worked up- you know me, always tend to make a big deal out of everything- and get off my bed, leave you exposed, out in the open, and go to scold Courtney, but then she finds you and voila! she starts to (sort of) blackmail me.

She says that if I tell mom and dad that she broke the vase (that vase was special to them too), that she's gonna tell everybody that I have a diary (YOU). Okay, so I'm sad right now, and I am gonna go back to brooding over this horrible incident. So, I hope I get to write in you again, Diary.

Your supercalifragilisticexpialadocious BFFLAD (Best Friends For Life and Death),

SArah Diane wallace
SAD :(

My Diary and Me: Happily Ever After?


Over the years, I have realized that you have always been there for me. Let us travel the path of time, and reminisce.
One moment from each year of our friendship:

Six: Spilled ice cream on Billy McDonald's new concert dress shirt. Chocolate.

Seven: First gymnastics competition. Took first.

Eight: Realized that Courtney was extremely annoying.

Nine: Started playing basketball.

Ten: Graduated from elementary school. First diploma.

Eleven: Visited Cape Cod.

Twelve: Stopped playing basketball.

Thirteen: Reminiscing about good times with you.

Well, I guess that's it then. Thanks for being there.


Sarah Wallace

P.S. Don't forget to check out the new series, The Golden Eagle, on!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

International Languages- Week of 1/17/10

This week's phrase:

Phrase: You can either sink or swim, but you can't float.

Language: Welsh

Translation: Gallwch naill ai sinc neu nofio, ond nad ydych yn gallu arnofio.

All translations from (TRANSLATOR)

Hoedown from Rodeo by Aaron Copland

Okay, so I have this new piece in orchestra which I can't wait to play, so I wanted to share it with you!!!

Just click here

Sunday, January 10, 2010

International Languages

Hola everyone!!!
Guess what?
I have some cool translations of sentences in national languages!!!
Each week I will post one new statement/phrase up on this blog.

This week's statement:

Language: Italian

Phrase: "A thorn pierces the heart, as heartbreak pierces the soul."

Translation: "Una spina trafigge il cuore, come crepacuore trafigge l'anima."

All translations are from (TRANSLATOR)



Hey! Never mind the conundrum. I don't need it.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Math Conundrums

Hey guys 'n' gals,
Just wondering:


You see, I need one conundrum for the story that I am writing. If you do know of a conundrum that fits the description above, and one with complicated symbols that no one (but you) will get, please post it in comments. Also, when you do post it, please explain the conundrum, 'cause I need to get it thoroughly.

I was googling conundrums for ages, and I didn't come up with any awesome websites that supplied conundrums. Well, one that supplied formulas, and that was the best I found.



Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! 2010

2010 is finally here!!!!
Have a prosperous year!!!

See you!!